Place Value Calculator

Place value calculator will identify the place values of all digits in an integer, whole number or decimal number using positional notation. The final answer will include the entered number in word form.

Place Value Example

From left to right for 1,987,654,321

Place Value Hundred Millions Ten Millions Hundred Thousands Ten Thousands

Place Value Example for Decimals

From left to right for 0.123456789

Decimal Place Value Hundredths Thousandths Ten Thousandths Hundred Thousandths Millionths Ten Millionths Hundred Millionths Billionths Place Value Chart with Decimals Place Value Hundred Millions Ten Millions Hundred Thousands Ten Thousands Decimal Point Hundredths Thousandths Ten Thousandths Hundred Thousandths Millionths Ten Millionths Hundred Millionths Billionths 1,000,000,000 Decimal Point 0.000000001

Related Calculators

See our Numbers to Words Converter to get word form names of numbers. This calculator is particularly helpful for finding the word form of very small decimals.