Understanding the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance statement (PLAAFP)

A student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team expects special education services to help the student meet their unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living.

As a foundation for higher achievement and IEP goals, the IEP team will identify:

This process can be compared to planning a trip to another city: You need to know where you are beginning as well what may make your trip more challenging. The team will see where your child is beginning and how the disability impacts learning.

Getting Started

The IEP team, including the parents, will ask these important questions at the annual IEP meeting:

The answers to these questions will be documented every year as the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement on the IEP. A student’s annual IEP will be the map guiding him or her from beginning levels of performance to higher levels of performance (IEP goals).

PLAAFP Phrases and Example Statements

The information in the PLAAFP section of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) should be written in brief, clear, specific, and accurate statements with enough information to describe the student’s current skill levels in objective, measurable terms.

Vague phrases Specific phrases
Is friendly and loves attention Greets peers appropriately for age level
Received a math score of 50 Can count to 25
Can’t talk well Speaks in one-or-two sentences
Knows different careers Can count five careers and five jobs associated with each
Difficulty reading third-grade materials Reads third-grade materials at 70 words per minute
Difficulty following classroom rules Follows classroom rules using visual cues
Spends a lot of time in suspension due to behavior problems When redirected becomes angry and disrupts class
Has a language difficulty and will have trouble meeting language arts standards Language impairment affects progress in grade-level standards that include words with multiple meanings
Seldom completes assignments Completes 25 percent of homework and turns in 10 percent of the assignment

Examples of PLAAFP statements:

These statements help the IEP team know at what levels the student is beginning and how the disability impacts learning and participation in the general education curriculum.

PLAAFP Areas of Consideration

The PLAAFP statement will give a snapshot of the student at a particular time and place. It will describe the levels at which the student is currently working academically and functionally. This includes a description of a student’s strengths and needs.

Areas the team will consider include:

PLAAFP Information Gathering

It is important to note that the student’s regular education teacher, a required member of the IEP team, is a key team member.

The PLAAFP statement will lead to the development of annual goals, accommodations, modifications, and other IEP services. All IEP goals should be connected to the PLAAFP statement. Parents knowledgeable about the PLAAFP statement and the IEP process can be an effective part of the IEP team and help their child work toward higher achievement.

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PACER is the Minnesota Parent Training and Information Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs

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